

This cut-out from a magazine has been on my wall for a few weeks now. It's Rachel Weisz at the MET gala last year.

Firstly: (heh heh) she's wearing this amaaaaaaazing Vera Wang gown, you can see the tiny flash of yellow that's underneath it, it's got this amazing bodice back to it as well.

And Secondly: Her lips are amazing! So being the unoriginal person I am, this inspired me to go search for a brownish-red lip stain, sounds gross in theory, but it worked out, believe me...
oh the joys of Photobooth...

I found a really nice kind of waxy Mabeylline lipstick, guess what it's called, that's right... "crazy plum" hollah! There's something I really like about tacky names for colours, they make me really happy or something.

for example dear friends: One of my friends has red hair, so we matched her hair colour to a paint swatch (a la Henry Holland, no?) so now whenever we refer to her hair we must call it "Autumnal Fiery Sunset" pretty sweet, jah?

Just to prove my point...
House of Holland A/W 09