

Did yet another GoodWill haul before I leave, and can safely say I am satisfied (although will probably still go again before I head back to Europe). I swear that if I bought the exact same things I got today in any Dublin vintage stores it would be AT LEAST just over 70 euro, and considering that everything I got today cost a grand (not-so-grand) total of 19 dollars, I'm a pretty happy ladeeeeee. Purchases were as follows;

lace up ankle boots - three dollah y'all! Which means I won't feel guilty when I attack them with my freshly delivered order of studs...
black Levi's jeans - to be cut, durr.
blue Levi's mom shorts - to be cut, double durr.
Ralph Lauren Men's plaid shirt - just an oversized version of the one I got in the exact same GoodWill last year, basically what I wear when I'm not very enthused...

I realize how lame this picture looks now... but it was the only picture where I didn't have club feet or that the shoezzz weren't shrouded in a shadow of doom, so deal with it. Plus, OH EMMM GEEEE, look at my guitar, I'm so cool etc. etc. :)

This outfit is nothing special, my family and I just headed out for my sister's birthday, we went to see INCEPTION, which was pretty amazing, but it wasn't as crazy confusing as everyone was saying. Personally my fav. bit about it was how the fog-horn-y sounding music throughout the movie was actually Edith Piaf's "Non, je ne regrette rien" slowed down a couple hundered times, something that I enjoy geeking out about, then again, I just enjoy geeking out in general...
And speaking of that check out this. It's Justin Bieber's "U smile" slowed down 800%, personally whenever a song uses text speak in it (e.g. Avril Lavigne's GOLDEN hit, "Sk8r Boi") I generally try to avoid it, but this 36-minute form of BIEBER FEVER is just like one big epic event getting all up in your ears, jus sayin, that shit just got real...



//as promised//

her blog is FYNDIGT.
I literally have no idea what that means, but she is Swedish, therefore amazing, therefore I don't care. Her blog's in Swedish but I just bookmarked through google translator.



On account of my hair crisis at the moment (my teen angst moment where I proceeded to chop off my semi - long tresses so that they then resembled a Coco Chanel bob if in fact her hairdresser happened to be on a hallucinogens, or was maybe just was really really really bad at cutting hair ) in other words my hair looked grrrrrreat, then I cut it.

Anyways, I can literally do nothing with my hair without the support of (I'll just guesstimate...) 742 bobby pins. And whilst I was trawling the depths of lookbook as I do because I am an angsty teenager with no friends (in the same country as me at the moment, mind) at isn't that where they all go, so they can title there look with some deep/inspiring lyric, yeah?
Ok, done with my pity-party/bitterness now. I usually go on lookbook cos most of the best people on there have good blogs to go with it, so I waste my time trying to find more blogs to waste my time with... BUT I did find this one girl's blog. She was Swedish, so ozzley blonde, tan, tall and thin, and owned the entire contents of my dream wardrobe, I can't remember her blog name now but I'll post it if I find it again. So, in this particular look she was wearing this nice silk scarf but as a pretty sweet head turban.

um, yes, and no.

So out I pulled my 2 euro Penney's McQueen imitation scarf and decided I would boldly go where thousands have before.... the results being...
To be honest I'm just thrilled I have found something that can take attention away from my lack luster hair. And I'm pretty sure that I've found yet another thing that I can pre-plan to wear to Electric Picnic, because I'm bored and this is what I do when I'm bored, PRE - PLAN, but usually just procrastinate, or maybe it's taking vain photobooth pictures of myself... hmmmm, it depends...

Plus, it kind of makes me feel like axl rose, only even he has better hair than me... damn.



I'm currently recovering from getting all of my wisdom teeth out, and have basically spent the past three days sitting on the couch feeling sorry for my singularly-swollen-cheek self. Other than that I have successfully knitted two new gray wool ear-warmers, which I'm thinking will come in handy for electric picnic, lame as that is...

Anyways, got my disposable camera developed the day before my operation, which contained some nice pics from my friend's birthday picnic at Powerscourt Waterfall back in Ireland, me and my friend Fiona had a bit of a vain moment when we found this really nice green meadow while adventuring around the stream, there was also this AMAZING tree with the gnarliest roots, and when I say GNARLY I use it with it's literal meaning, but also that for the purposes to explain how awesome this tree was...




Long story short, Andrew is one of my best friends (cue the 'aaaaaaaah's) and he is very good at photography. but also...

Like me, he's only seventeen years old which I think makes the pictures he takes all the more amazing, but I'm sure you've sussed that out all by yourselves, obvz. Anyways, he's made his own blog now so that his photos don't have to be hidden in the dark depths of his facebook albums and he posts on it very regularly, a lot more reliable than my lazy self. Check it out here, at www.andrewnuding.blogspot.com

His pictures are sort of all of our friends and all the mini-adventures we go on. and he just got his driver's permit so these 'mini'-adventures are getting further and further off the beaten track... For example this abandoned house him and another good friend of mine came across while cruising like the gangsters they are...


Pretty much every single photo he takes visually looks amazing but I also love the stories behind them, especially when he uses our friends for models.
Since I've been away for pretty much the entirety of this summer I always look forward to looking at his posts, it sorta keeps me updated on all my Irish friends' little escapades. But his pictures are also quite editorial-ish which he did say to me he is beginning to try and achieve. And that fashion editorial look, with our friends like Joy, Fiona, his sisters (all of whom are conveniently very beautiful. BRB I'm retching from cringey-ness right now...) and sometimes a guest-appearance by the man himself as models in a lot of his photos he pretty damn well achieves this...


Anyways this has been a RIDONKULOUSLY long post, and I seem to be writing relatively seriously, BLEGH... But he's also featured in another Irish blog here where he's actually interviewed. But frankly I'm too lazy, have wasted enough time trying to get his photobucket HTML to work, and too easily embarrassed to try and seriously interview mah bestie, so there's three solid reasons, so ha!

And as you can ozzley tell I had a pretty hard time picking between all his photos, and didn't try very hard to edit them down, but I think this one is particularly appropriate to end the post on...




Like a grown up, Swedish version of Annie.
This is a good thing.

source facehunter



fresh manicure and a hot fudge chocolate sundae.
//I've had a good day//
please sir, can I have some more?