

My sister, mom, and I went to the mall today, hit up the yuush ya know? like American Apparel, Urban Outfitters :P cos we're cool, yeah? I just spent the whole day looking for stuff to pair with all the swag I got yesterday thrifting.

I got a few short t-shirts to wear with my DIYed mom shorts, this floral print one is going to be worn LOTS for the rest of the summer, and in the winter because it fits quite well with my woolen blazer, thank you very much...
blazer, thrifted; shorts, thrifted; floral top, UO; nekclace, Marc by Marc Jacobs

And to add to the excitement, if that's at all possible... I GOT A GLOCKENSPEIL!!!! Mother agreed to getting one, but a few hours later when I was messing around on it, I think she may have regretted her decision a little bit...

There was also this amazing range of t-shirts that were between crop top and proper t-shirt lenghth in Urban Outfitters, called Hometown Heroes, not sure if it's a collab. or just another diffusion line of Urban's, must do some more research into them. The prints were all amazing, I took ages to decide which one I wanted. There was this one that had London written on it but as Lon, Don, and I read em..... phonetically? My sister couldn't stop laughing at that... ooops.
I also got this American Apparel leotard, to be worn underneath high waisted shorts, duh! I don't think I'd ever be brave enough to wear it on it's own.... I love the back though, recently I keep looking for stuff with a bit of show-off back.

I think for the first time in ages I'm actually really excited about my wardrobe, and might actually be, what's the word again... inspired??? NAH.... haha.

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